Readers are needed at weekend masses as well as weekday masses. Readers generally are scheduled to read once or twice a month and are scheduled at the mass of their choice. If you are interested in becoming a Reader, please contact Jason Markowski at the parish office (503) 581-1623, or at [email protected].
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Ministers are needed at the daily, weekend and special masses during the year. Ministers are also needed to take communion out into the community for those house bound or in area hospitals. If you are interested in becoming an Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, please contact Jason Markowski at the parish office (503) 581-1623, or at [email protected].
Altar Servers
Servers are needed at every mass whether it is for daily, weekend, wedding, or funeral masses. Instruction usually begins at the age of nine and can be either boy or girl. Adults can also serve. If you are interested in becoming a Altar Server, please contact Jason Markowski at the parish office (503) 581-1623, or at [email protected].
One of the main duties of the usher is to take up the collection at the Sunday Masses and on other designated Masses. Usher also help greet the people and pass out liturgical aides.. Usher help answer questions, and give directions to people. If . If you are interested in becoming an Usher, please contact Jason Markowski at the parish office (503) 581-1623, or at [email protected].
On behalf on St. Joseph's parish community, I invite you to consider participating in one of our fine and fun musical ensembles. We have people involved from ages 9 to nearly 90, including parishioners of all different musical levels and backgrounds. Each of the groups has a slightly different time commitment, ranging from weekly to just once a month. I think you would find that all of our musical ensembles are rewarding experiences in their own right, as well as being valuable ministries to the wider parish community. Please read below to learn more about the possibilities! - Doug Schneider - Director of Sacred Music
Gregorian Schola
The Gregorian Schola assists at the monthly Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite, or Traditional Latin Mass, among other liturgical services. Besides singing primarily Gregorian Chant, this schola’s repertoire includes music of composers such as Palestrina, Victoria, and Lassus. The schola, conducted by Ray Fordyce, currently rehearses each Monday from 5:15-6:30 PM.
Saint Joseph's Ensemble
This ensemble of vocalists and instrumentalists provides music at the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass throughout the year. Music is largely drawn from various current composers such as John Becker, Bernadette Farrell, Steve Angrisano, and Matt Maher. Rehearsals are currently on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 7:30-9:00 PM.
Saint Joseph’s Choir
This choir sings weekly at the 10 AM Mass (with the exception of the summer months), as well as the Christmas Midnight Mass and various Holy Week Masses. Repertoire includes the sacred music of composers such as Bach, Handel, Mozart, Fauré, and Duruflé. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 PM.
Women’s Schola
We sing once a month at the 4:30 Saturday Vigil Mass, and practice once a month from 3:00 to 4:30 immediately prior to the Vigil Mass. This group could be an excellent fit for those women not able to commit to a weekly choir rehearsal schedule! We sing chant, hymns, and pieces specifically written for a choir of women’s voices.
Men’s Schola
We sing once a month at the 4:30 Saturday Vigil Mass, and practice once a month from 3:00 to 4:30 immediately prior tot the Vigil Mass. This group could be an excellent fit for those men not able to commit to a weekly choir rehearsal schedule! We sing chant, hymns, and pieces specifically written for a choir of men’s voices.
Children’s Choir
This choir, conducted by Shaelyn Schneider, is open to St. Joseph’s school and parish children in grades 3-8; we rehearse on Thursday afternoons during the school year from 3:05-4:05. Every month we sing at two Wednesday 8:30 AM school Masses, as well as one parish weekend Mass. Space is limited to 35 students, by audition.
Cantors, organists, instrumentalists
Those vocalists and organists who have the ability to help lead the congregation assist at various Masses each week. Potential cantors, organists, and other instrumentalists are invited to contact Doug Schneider for more information.
Doug Schneider can be contacted at the parish office on weekdays. If your ministry is music and would like to participate in choir, please call (503) 581-1623.
Home Communion
Communion is provided weekly to those who are unable to attend mass on a regular basis. Our Eucharistic Ministers (or a priest) usually make communion rounds every week. If you would like to be added to a communion list, please call the parish office at (503) 581-1623.
Perpetual Adoration
Our Adoration Chapel is located along the south side of the Church—off of Chemeketa Street. Our Chapel is open 24 hours a day. To arrange for your own time, or to be a regular drop in, please contact Jean Majka at (503) 910-6397.
St. Joseph Council, #1748
For more information, contact Ted Campbell (503) 551-6130
American Heritage Girls currently meets at Blanchet. Contact Hayli Librande for more information. [email protected].